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Copy Cataloging


Search OCLC (Worldshare) using ISBN Find?   Find?  
  Yes -  Add record to Export File No - Search LCCN, or Author/Title/pulisher/Year    
      Yes - Add record to Export File No - Proceed to Original Cataloging



Export to Computer FIle (keep adding more records if doing a batch)

In Koha, go to Cataloging, Select Import File

Import and Edit Records


Search Koha by ISBN

Edit Record

  • 9XX - Select Medium (942 c), Supress if not going to finish record now (put a "1" in 942 n)
  • 8XX - remove all extraneous 856s, unless 'sample text'
  • 7XX - check all added names, corporations
  • 6XX - check subjects, remove foreign languages
  • 5XX - check content notes and delete any local notes from other libraries
  • 4XX - check series information
  • 3XX - check physical description: pages, dimensions...
  • 2XX - check Title, Main entry, Publication, Date etc. (eemove any wonky charachters)
  • 1XX - check Author
  • 0XX - Creat call#:        1) Put all LC info on one line (050 a); 
    • 2) Create Dewey Call Number in 092 field (derive what already may be in 082 field, cut and paste into 092, and adjust for shelving location)

Save and Create Item

  • Collection Code 7 = select 'in processing' if not going to finish now
  • Code 8 = Select JKM Library (or Reference, Archives, etc...)
  • 8c = put shelving location of wher it will go (or select 'Tech Services' if not finishing now)
  • 8e = Acquisition note
  • 8g = price
  • 8p = Add Barcode (or come back to later)
  • Click ADD ITEM when finished; add more ITEMS if multi-volume set


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