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Zotero Citation Management

Organizing your Collection

How to Organize Your Zotero Library

  1. Create Collections:

    • Add a New Collection: Click the “New Collection” button (folder icon) in the top left corner of the Zotero window.
    • Name Your Collection: Give your collection a descriptive name (e.g., “Research Papers,” “Class Projects,” “Articles by Topic”).
    • Organize Hierarchically: You can create sub-collections by right-clicking on an existing collection and selecting “New Collection.” This allows for a structured organization.
  2. Use Tags:

    • Add Tags to Items: Click on an item in your library, then go to the right-hand pane and find the “Tags” tab. You can add tags that describe the content, themes, or status (e.g., “To Read,” “Important,” “Keto Research”).
    • Organize by Tags: Use the tags to filter and find items quickly. You can click on a tag in the left-hand pane to view all items associated with that tag.
  3. Create Notes:

    • Add Notes to References: Click on an item, then go to the “Notes” tab in the right-hand pane. You can write summaries, reflections, or important points related to the item.
    • Organize Notes: Use notes to keep track of your thoughts or to highlight specific details you may need later.
  4. Utilize Search and Sort Functions:

    • Search Your Library: Use the search bar at the top right to quickly find items by title, author, or tags.
    • Sort Items: Click on the column headers (like Title, Author, Date) to sort your items in ascending or descending order.

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