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Zotero Citation Management

How to add your references

Importing References

The are four different ways to import your references:

1. Importing from a Web Browser

Zotero offers a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari that allows you to import references with one click.


  1. Install the Zotero Connector for your browser from the Zotero website.
  2. Navigate to the webpage, article, or database record you want to save (e.g., PubMed, JSTOR, or Google Scholar).
  3. Click the Zotero Connector icon in your browser (it will look like a book, article, or folder, depending on the type of resource).
  4. Select the items you want to import, and they will be added to your Zotero library.
2. Importing a RIS, BibTeX, or Other Citation File

Many databases allow you to export references as RIS, BibTeX, or other formats, which can be easily imported into Zotero.


  1. Export your references from the database in a format like RIS or BibTeX.
  2. In Zotero, go to File > Import.
  3. Choose the file you exported and follow the prompts to add it to your Zotero library.
3. Manual Entry

If the references you need aren’t available online or in an exportable format, you can add them manually.


  1. In Zotero, click the green “+” (New Item) button at the top of the Zotero window.
  2. Select the type of reference you’re adding (book, article, etc.).
  3. Fill in the fields with the relevant details (author, title, year, etc.).
4. Drag and Drop PDFs

If you already have PDFs of articles, Zotero can extract metadata from them.


  1. Drag the PDF file directly into your Zotero library.
  2. Zotero will attempt to retrieve the citation details automatically (if not, you can right-click and choose “Retrieve Metadata for PDF”).

These methods make it easy to build and organize your library in Zotero!

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