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Zotero Citation Management

Using Cite While You Write : MS Word

Using Cite While You Write : MS Word

1.Inserting Citations
  1. Place Your Cursor:

    • Click where you want to insert a citation.
  2. Add Citation:

    • Click on the Zotero tab.
    • Select "Add/Edit Citation".
    • Choose your citation style if prompted.
  3. Select Reference:

    • A search bar will appear.
    • Type the author, title, or keyword to find your reference.
    • Select the reference and press Enter.
2. Creating a Bibliography
  1. Place Your Cursor:

    • Position the cursor where you want the bibliography to appear.
  2. Add Bibliography:

    • Click "Add/Edit Bibliography" in the Zotero tab.
    • Zotero will generate a bibliography based on your citations

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