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Zotero Citation Management

Zotero Glossary

Zotero Glossary


  • Child Item: A sub-level item in your Zotero library, such as a PDF associated with a parent item.

  • Cite While You Write (CWYW): A feature that allows users to insert citations and generate bibliographies directly within word processors as they write.

  • Collection: A folder in your Zotero library used to organize references into specific groups or categories.

  • Export/Import: The process of moving references or libraries to or from other citation managers or into other programs.

  • Item: A reference (book, journal article, etc.) or file (PDF, snapshot, etc.) in your Zotero library.

  • Metadata: The bibliographic information associated with a reference, such as the title, author, publication date, and other relevant details.

  • Parent Item: A top-level item in your Zotero library that can have associated child items.

  • Rename File from Parent Item: A feature that renames a sub-level item using information from the top-level item (e.g., renaming a PDF based on the citation).

  • Retrieve PDF Metadata: A feature that allows Zotero to search Google Scholar and CrossRef to find a citation that matches your PDF. If a match is found, Zotero will attach the citation to your PDF. Note: This feature works well for items from library databases and catalogs but not well for grey literature items (e.g., NGO and think tank reports), which should be entered manually.

  • Site Translator: A tool that helps gather information from a website so that Zotero can import accurate citation information into your library.

  • Sync: The process of uploading and downloading items from Items synced to can be accessed online and synced to other computers.

  • Zotero Snapshot: A locally stored copy of a webpage at the exact moment when it was saved. Note: The snapshot feature will also capture any ads and associated files present on the webpage.

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