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Zotero Citation Management

Installing the Zotero Word Plugin

Installing the Zotero Word Plugin

Zotero's Word plugin enables the "Cite While You Write" feature in Microsoft Word.

Note: The Word plugin is usually installed automatically with Zotero. If it's not visible in Word, follow the steps below.

1. Verify Plugin Installation
  • Open Microsoft Word:

    • Look for a Zotero tab in the ribbon (Windows) or in the menu bar (Mac).
  • If the Zotero Tab is Present:

    • The plugin is installed, and you're ready to start using it.
2. Manual Installation of the Word Plugin : For Windows
  1. Open Zotero:

    • Launch the Zotero application.
  2. Access Preferences:

    • Go to Edit > Preferences.
  3. Install the Word Plugin:

    • Click on the "Cite" tab.
    • Select the "Word Processors" sub-tab.
    • Click "Install Microsoft Word Add-in".
    • A confirmation message should appear.
3.  Manual Installation of the Word Plugin: For Mac
  1. Open Zotero:

    • Launch the Zotero application.
  2. Access Preferences:

    • Go to Zotero > Preferences from the top menu bar.
  3. Install the Word Plugin:

    • Click on the "Cite" tab.
    • Select the "Word Processors" sub-tab.
    • Click "Install Microsoft Word Add-in".
    • You should see a confirmation message.

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