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Primary Sources: Citing Archival Materials

JKM Library's guide for finding primary soures

Citing Archival Collections

As with all citation, the aim of a citation to an archival source is to direct future researchers to the source of information.  Proper citation of sources found in archival collections is particularly critical, as these types of unique resources are likely to be found in only one collection and at one specific repository.  

In general, all citations for archival materials should have the following information: 

  • Title and information about the item itself (in some cases, you'll need to supply the title yourself)
  • Collection or record group
  • Subcollection, series, or subseries (if applicable)
  • Box and folder name or number (if applicable)
  • Repository where the original is held.  

Subsequent footnotes need only identify the item, date, location, and collection name.

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