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Physical Therapy: Tests & Surveys

Resources for Locating Full Text Tests

Books in the JKM Collection containing tests

  1. Measures for Clinical Practice and Research: A Sourcebook (2013, 2 volumes) - Ref 150.287 C79m4 (423+ tests)
  2. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures - Ref 306.7072 H243f (215+ tests)
  3. Exacting beauty : theory, assessment, and treatment of body image disturbance (1999) - Stacks 616.852 E933 (36 tests)
  4. Handbook of research design and social measurement (2002) - Stacks 302.072 M64h6
  5. Measuring health : a guide to rating scales and questionnaires (1996) - Stacks 614.42 M13m2 (76 tests)
  6. Positive Psychological Assessment (2003) - Stacks 150.198 P674L (19 tests)

Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences (a website you can search to find books containing the actual test you want)

  1. Search for tests using the UT Arlington's website.
  2. In the search box type TMdb and then your keyword(s). For example:  TMdb and life satisfaction.
  3. Use the Online Catalog or EZBorrow to find the book that the test is in.

The Test Collection at ETS

  1. Click on "Search now" for the Search the Test Link database option
  2. Search for a test name or keyword.
  3. Click on the name of the test you are interested in.
  4. Look at the Availability Source. That will tell you where to find the test. Sometimes this will be a company that sells the test. Sometimes you will be given the information for a book or article that contains the test.

Websites Containing Tests

  • UIC College of Nursing - Instrument Bank Tables - Through the University of Illinois at Chicago, variable covered include biological & physiological, environment, functional status, health perception, individual, psychological, quality of life, symptom status.
  • - More than 17,000 scales, assessments, and scoring systems intended for medical education and biomedical research. You must set up an account to access the scales, but it is free to do so.

Tips for Finding Full Text Tests in JKM Library Databases

  1. Click the Advanced Search link under the search box.
  2. In the first box, type "Appended"
  3. In the "All Fields" drop down menu on the right and select "TM Tests & Measures"
  4. Type in your search term in the second search box.
  5. Click "Search".
  6. The articles you find will have tests or portions of the test appended to them. It may or may not be the test you are interested in, but at least some of the tests used in that article with be appended.
  1. Click on the Advanced Search link under the search box.
  2. Type in your search term in the search box.
  3. Scroll down and in the "Publication Type" menu, select "Questionnaire/Scale" and "Research Instrument"
  4. Click "Search".
  5. The articles you find may contain the actual tests.  If you only select Research Instrument, you will get the actual test if the full text is available.  However for many of the "Questionnaire/Scale" articles, the tests are also included.
  1. Click on "Advanced Search" under the search box.
  2. Type in your search term.
  3. Scroll down and in the "Document Type" menu, select "tests/questionnaires".
  4. Click "Search".
  5. The articles you find may contain the actual tests

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