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Borrow From Other Libraries

PALCI EZBorrow Logo


EZBorrow tips:

  • Look for books that say "Located: Multiple Locations" and request those for your best chance at getting the book.
  • If you don't get the book on the first try and there are multiple records for the same book, try again with a different record! If you cannot remember what you already tried, email to ask us.



Please Note: If you login to ILLiad and cannot see your requests, please email the ILL Department at to let us know! We will fix it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ILLiad?

  • System for requesting items (especially journal articles) not available at the JKM Library, as well as books not available through EZBorrow
  • Available to current Chatham students, faculty and staff
  • Items are delivered both electronically and physically

What can I request through ILLiad?

  • Use ILLiad to request:
    • journal articles,
    • DVDs,
    • CDs,
    • dissertations,
    • government documents,
    • and print books not available through EZBorrow (please check EZBorrow before requesting books in ILLiad). 
  • We are unable to borrow or loan e-books through EZBorrow or ILLiad at this time.

How do I check the status of my ILLiad requests?

You can check on the status of any of your ILLiad requests by logging into your ILLiad account using the ILLiad tab above. You should see all active requests on the main page.

You can check each status to see where your request is located. Some requests take longer to arrive than others especially if we have to ask multiple libraries before we find a lender.

Contact the ILL Desk for any more details at or (412) 365-1270.

I got an email saying my article was delivered electronically. How do I retrieve it?

Good news! The article was delivered to your ILLiad account. To retrieve it:

  1. Log into ILLiad using the tab above
  2. Open the PDF by clicking the View button (items stick around for 30 days before disappearing out of ILLiad!).

How quickly will my item arrive? 

Item arrival time depends on the availability of the item, where your ILLiad request is in the queue, and how quickly one of our lending partners sends us the item. Once the status of your request is Request Sent, you can anticipate these average arrival times (some items may take longer):

  • Articles that come electronically can take as little as a few hours and most come within 24 hours. However, they can take up to a week or more to arrive.
  • Physical items shipped through USPS can take up to 2 weeks to arrive from the lending library, although hard-to-find items, like textbooks, often take longer.

How do I know my item is available for pick-up? 

Check your Chatham email for all ILLiad and JKM Library correspondence!

Where do I pick up my item?

Electronic Items:

  • Items sent as a PDF are accessible through your ILLiad account.
  • These are yours to keep; print or save them to your computer. They disappear from ILLiad after 30 days so make sure to plan accordingly! 

Physical Items:

  • Items shipped to us through the mail (DVDs, CDs, dissertations, books, and the occasional print article) are picked up at the JKM Library Circulation Desk.
  • You have two weeks to pick up these items before we ship them back to the lending library.

How long can I keep my ILLiad item?

Electronic Items:

  • These are yours to keep; print or save them to your computer. They disappear from ILLiad after 30 days so make sure to plan accordingly!

Physical Items:

  • The lending library sets the due dates for all ILLiad items that have to be returned. 
  • See the question below for renewal directions
  • For more details on loan time, renewals, late fines, and replacement charges see our Borrowing Policies for Chatham Community tab and select your patron type.

How do I renew an ILLiad request?

You can request a renewal for items borrowed through ILLiad from your ILLiad account unless the book band clearly says NO RENEWALS. Directions are also on the book band.

  • Log onto ILLiad and find the item in your Check Out Items list.
  • If you are within the range of time a renewal is allowed (anywhere from 14 days before the item is due to 7 days after), the RENEW button will be available.
  • Click Renew Request. 
    • 5 more days will automatically be added to your initial due date. The lending library will decide if more time will be granted. 
    • If more time is given, you will be notified by email of the new due date. 
    • Otherwise, your item is due back at the JKM Library at the end of the 5 additional days. 

If the Renew button is not clickable, it may be because of one of these reasons:

  • Renewals are not allowed for the item
  • The due date is before the allowable date set for renewals
  • The due date is after the allowable date set for renewals 

I got a warning message about "Trusted Sites." What does this mean?

The warning is issued for one of 3 reasons:

  1. The certificate is not issued by a recognized third party. Since anyone can create a certificate, the browser checks to see whether a site's certificate came from a trusted organization.
  2. The site's certificate is not up-to-date, so the browser can not verify that the site is still secure.
  3. The connection between the browser and the website might not be secure.

The 3rd party company we use for ILLiad sometimes redirects to other servers due to heavy traffic, thus creating the non-recognition. The bottom line is that ILLiad is a trusted site. You can trust the submission site(s) and you can go ahead and resubmit your request.

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (CLP) system has 19 branches all across the city with access to many resources and tools useful for the Chatham Community.


Phone: 412-622-3114

Northern Tier Library

The Northern Tier Library is located down the street from Chatham's Eden Hall campus and is a good option for additional resources for students studying and living at Eden Hall. The Northern Tier Library is a member of the Allegheny County Library Association (ACLA), which means you can request items from any of the other 45 member libraries in Allegheny County. Contact them to learn more about signing up for a library card.

Phone: 724-449-2665

Text a Librarian: 742-241-8164

Address: 4015 Dickey Rd. Gibsonia PA 15044


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