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Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - Available electronically 01/01/2012 - present; available in print at the JKM Library 01/01/1994-12/31/15
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research - Available electronically 03/01/2001 - present
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation - Available electronically 01/01/1999-present; available in print at the JKM Library 01/01/1998-12/31/2010
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy - Available electronically 07/01/1979 -present; available in print at the JKM Library 01/01/1979-present
Journal of Pediatrics - Available electronically 01/01/1995-present; available in print at the JKM Library 01/01/1996 - 12/31/2016
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise - Available electronically 01/01/1996 -present
Pediatric Physical Therapy - Available electronically 04/01/2000 -present
Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics - Available electronically 01/01/1997 -present; available in print at the JKM Library 01/01/1993-12/31/2015
Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics - Available electronically 01/01/1997-present; available in print at the JKM Library 01/01/1994-present
Spine - Available electronically 01/01/1996 - present; available in print at the JKM Library 01/01/1997 - 12/31/2012.
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation - Available electronically 4/01/1997-present; available in print at the JKM Library 01/01/1997-present
Find the full text of an article within a library database:
1. In the library database, click on the button that says Access options to see what is available, look for a PDF button/link, or similar.
2. If the library doesn't have the article in print or electronically, you will be directed to request it through ILLiad.
Find the full text of an article for which you have the citation information:
1. Click the Find Databases & eJournals button on the library homepage, and use the Search for eJournlas Titles box to check for print or online access to that journal. Once on the journal's homepage, use the citation information, ie. volume, issues, numbers, to drill down to the needed article.
2. If the library does not have access to the journal that you need, you can order individual articles through ILLiad.
View the videos below to effectively search CINAHL: