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HIS220: US Women's History

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Memoranda Concerning the Origin of the Pennsylvania Female College

Page one of the minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Pennsylvania Female College (now Chatham University).

Memoranda Concerning the Origin of the Pennsylvania Female College

Page two of the minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Pennsylvania Female College (now Chatham University) including a prospectus. 

Memoranda Concerning the Origin of the Pennsylvania Female College

Page three of the minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Pennsylvania Female College (now Chatham University) describing board membership and the location of the school. 

Board of Trustee Minutes from June 24, 1870

Board of Trustee Minutes from February 8, 1872

Trustee James King, M. D.

"I believe that women have minds of equal force with those of the other sex, that they are susceptible to cultivation, that by proper culture women may be fitted for any station however exalted.  I believe that if it suits her taste and she be properly educated and qualified she may engage in merchandise, in painting and sculpture, in the practice of medicine, or pursue any other lofty and honorable calling, and it is in order to do this that I desire to see the institution to be built on the cornerstone now laid, most thoroughly appointed and forever established."

- Statement by Trustee Dr. King at the laying of the cornerstone on an extension to the college building as printed in Laberta Dysart's Chatham College: The First Ninety Years, p. 38

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