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Voting Resources

Five Steps to Voting

General Steps for Voting in An Election

1. Register to Vote

If you are not registered:

You must first register to vote in the state where you are a permanent resident or at your temporary residence, such as college or university. Note that your can only register at one location at a time. 

If you are registered:

If you live in the same location where you have voted previously, you can vote at your normal polling location.

If you are not at your home polling location, apply for an absentee ballot for your home state. 

If you are overseas permanently or in the military, you can still vote. Visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program to learn more. 

2. Check Registration 

Make sure that you have successfully registered as an active voter. 

3. Find Polling Location 

Find the polling location you can use. One resource to do this is through HeadCount.

4. Understand Voting Rules / Laws

Laws vary between states for different voting related subjects. Find more out about:

Voter Identification Requirements
Voter's Rights
Voting Rights and Felony Conviction 
Voter Registration Requirements 

5. Vote!

After you register to vote and find your polling location, learn who is running for election in your district. Then go out and vote!

10/09/2018 is the last day to register before the 11/06/2018 election

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