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General Reference: Statistics


The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Offers survey results on a wide variety of issues, information from various polls, datasets from the surveys, and current important topics in the news.

Provides information on why specific news stories and opinions surrounding various studies may be misleading or incorrect. Offers facts and figures on studies related to education/family, drug use, health/disease, polls/surveys, gender issues, crime, defense, and media factoids.

Internet Sources

American FactFinder
Statistics from the US Census Bureau.  Find statistics dealing population, demographics, economics, and more.

Bureau of Labor Statistics
Find statistics dealing with employment, salaries, and more.  Organized by region, state, and city.

Provides labor statistics for over 200 countries and territories.

Official statistics on the web. Find statistics by country, region, or topic.
"An independent, nonpartisan resource on trends in American public opinion."

USDA Quick Stats
1850 to present

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