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General Reference: Government Information

State and Local Gov Information

Pennsylvania State Website
Provides state government news, links to regional news, information about living in PA, etc.

City of Pittsburgh Website
Offers local information on public safety, employment, local turism, community events, etc.

US Gov Publications

Bureau of Labor Statistics
Find statistics dealing with employment, salaries and more.  Organized by region, state, and city.

Catalog of US Government Publications
Search the US Government Publications available on the web.

Core Documents of US Democracy
Provides full-text access to documents considered to be central to US democracy.

Federal Register
Contains "rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents."

FREE: Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
Provides links to government resources of primary documents, videos, photos, and more.  Also browseable by subjects such as Arts & Music, U.S. History, Language Arts, and more.

National Technical Information Service
Provides access to "government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information."
Find government information by topics, such as consumer guides, jobs and education, health and nutrition, money and taxes, science and technology, and more.

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