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CHM102: Citation

ACS Style Guide

The most current ACS Style guide is freely available online.

ACS Citation Style

The American Chemical Society (ACS) citation style is used for academic papers written in the field of chemistry.

Please note that citation styles encompass not only how sources are cited but also how the paper is formatted.

American Chemical Society Style GuideChapter 14 in the ACS style guide covers in text and full reference citation style

CSE: Scientific Style and Format


The latest edition of CSE's Scientific Style and Format is at the Circulation Desk.

CSE Citation Style

The Council of Science Editors (CSE) citation style is used for academic papers written primarily in the natural science fields.

Please note that citation styles encompass not only how sources are cited but also how the paper is formatted.

CSE Citation Style Guides

Writing Center at the University of Wisconson-Madison
Provides a quick reference guide to the three forms of CSE style with examples.

Washington State University Libraries
Provides an expanding reference guide to the three forms of CSE style with examples.

APA Publication Manual

The two most recent editions of the APA Publication Manual are at the Circulation Desk.

APA Citation Style

The American Psychological Association (APA) citation style is used for academic papers written primarily in the social science fields. The 7th edition was released in October 2019. Please note that citation styles encompass not only how sources are cited but also how the paper is formatted.

APA Citation Style Guides

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