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Native American & Indigenous Hertiage Month

The first American Indian Day was celebrated in May 1916 in New York. Red Fox James, a Blackfeet Indian, rode horseback from state to state, getting endorsements from 24 state governments, to have a day to honor American Indians (CDC). In 1986, President Reagan issues a proclamation stating the week of November 23rd - 30th as "American Indian Week." It has since evolved into the month-long celebration of National American Indian Heritage Month every November. A proclamation is issued by the President annually to reaffirm the celebration. National American Indian Heritage Month is an opportunity to learn about, uplift, and celebrate the indigenous people and cultures of the Americas. Browse this virtual display to access fiction, nonfiction, and biographical eBooks, digital academic and local resources, films, documentaries, music, and more to celebrate and commemorate the month.


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