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BluRay Video 

Search* or Browse

Locate: Media Shelves  (BluRays are interspersed with regular DVDs by call#)
Check-out at Circulation Desk (borrowing policies) -or -

Play on individual lab computer in library - WITH headphones (can be checked-out at the

 Circulation Desk, or use your own standard 3.5mm headphone jack)    


  External Disc Drives are also available for checkout 

-or -

Play media in classroom / group study room: some rooms have equipment installed, but please investigate and arrange with ITS  if assistance if needed


Circulating collections and displays (1st, 2nd & 3rd floors)

Search* -or-

Locate: Library floor maps 

Check out - or:  

       Read in library and leave on desk or table when finished {But PLEASE Don't Re-Shelve!}

Restricted use books

  • Reserves (held at Circulation Desk) - Search/Browse (use restrictions vary)


Search Databases -or- Search Catalog

            Download ("Borrow") to personal device  -or-

          Read online - sign-in (to vendor) - Bookmark/save place

Audio CDs

Search* or Browse

Locate: Media Shelves 
Check-out at Circulation Desk (borrowing policies) -or -

Play on individual lab computer in library - WITH headphones (can be checked-out at the

 Circulation Desk, or use your own standard 3.5mm headphone jack)    


  External Disc Drives are also available for checkout 

-or -

Play media in classroom / group study room: some rooms have equipment installed, but please investigate and arrange with ITS  if assistance if needed

Audio Cassettes:  Sorry - not supported at this time

Computers (Lab)

  See for Policies

DVD Video

Search* or Browse

Locate: Media Shelves 
Check-out at Circulation Desk (borrowing policies) -or -

Play on individual lab computer in library - WITH headphones (can be checked-out at the

 Circulation Desk, or use your own standard 3.5mm headphone jack)    


  External Disc Drives are also available for checkout 

-or -

Play media in classroom / group study room: some rooms have equipment installed, but please investigate and arrange with ITS  if assistance if needed

External Disc Drives are available for checkout

Headphones can be checked-out at the Circulation Desk  

LP Phonographic Vinyl Records:  Sorry - not supported at this time

Microform (Microfilm & Microfiche)

  • Search / Browse the List of Microfilm & Microfiche Titles (catalog)
  • Located in Basement: Microform Digital Scanner and Storage Cabinets  
  • Using the Microform Reader/Scanner (full instructions PDF) 

  • PLEASE NOTE: When inserting an external USB drive into the computer, you MAY get a message saying that the flash drive is "not readable." However, there will be a separate explorer window that has popped-up in the background (ALT + TAB to view) which validates the external drive, so that you may save the digital scans. Pleas contact a librarian if you are in need of assistance  

    Visual Instructions



    In the basement of the Library, towards the back wall, near the north stairwell by the Career Development office



    Current Print Daily Newspapers (3)

    Print held for 4 months



    See for Policies

    Print from Personal Device

    Print from Lab Computer





    Copy Machine


    Serials, Magazines, Journals, etc. 

    In Print

    Search Titles  /  Browse the List of Current Print Journals (catalog) 

    Browse Current Print Titles by Subject

    Located in Basement:  (Ground Floor map)
    Read in library and leave on desk or table when finished {but please don't re-shelve!}
    Online periodicals
    Search for Articles
              Download to personal device - or-

              Read online - sign-in (to vendor) to Bookmark/save place

    Search Titles
              Download to personal device  -or-

              Read online - sign-in (to vendor) to Bookmark/save place

    VHS Video : The Library no longer circulates VHS Videocassettes. Where possible, all pre-existing VHS titles have been transferred or converted to the digital DVD format.

    We Do have a VHS player on a TV/monitor cart (parked outside the Library Director's office) - Check with the Circulation Desk before using

    *See also:  
    How To:
    Library Research
      for FINDING items in the library



    The Library is


        Visit us on Instagram    Listen to our playlists on Spotify   Visit us on YouTube      

    Jennie King Mellon Library | 107 Woodland Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15232 | 412-365-1670 | Maps & Directions | Site map

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