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measures the amount of time people spend doing various activities, such as paid work, childcare, volunteering, and socializing
General eBooks
Household Spending: Who Spends How Much on WhatLooking for customers? Repositioning your products? Americans are spending money, but only those who are on top of the trends will know who the spenders are. The all-new 21st edition of Household Spending: Who Spends How Much on What reveals who spends and the products and services they buy. Included in the 21st edition is a look at the spending recovery of 2014 as well as the long decline from the peak-spending year of 2006 to the post-Great Recession low of 2013. Widely praised when the first edition appeared in 1991, this unique resource gives you dollar-for-dollar answers to the questions Who buys? What do they buy? How much do they spend? It also gives you market shares and spending indexes, valuable additions to your research. Based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics? 2014 Consumer Expenditure Survey'you can't get this data online?Household Spending examines how much American households spend on hundreds of products and services by the demographics that count: age, income, household type, region of residence, race and Hispanic origin, and educational attainment. The individual products and services are organized into chapters on apparel; entertainment; financial products; food and alcohol; gifts; household operations; shelter and utilities; personal care, reading, education, and tobacco; and transportation.
ISBN: 9781940308968
Publication Date: 2017
Best Customers: Demographics of Consumer Demand"Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2014 Consumer Expenditure Survey, [this book] examines spending patterns by the demographic characteristics of households ... [It] analyzes household spending on more than 300 products and services by age of householder, household income, household type, race and Hispanic origin of householder, region of residence, and educational attainment of most educated household member. It identifies which households spend the most on a product or service (the best customers) and which control the largest share of spending (the biggest customers) ... New Strategist has calculated the indexes and market shares to reveal the trends. Text accompanies each table that identifies the best and biggest customers, analyzes spending patterns, describes spending trends for the product over the past few years, and products future trends based on the nation's changing demographics."--Introduction, pages 1-2.
ISBN: 9781937737412
Publication Date: 2017
American Buyers: Demographics of ShoppingAmerican Buyers: Demographics of Shopping presents 2012 spending data in a groundbreaking guide to buying patterns, essential information in these difficult economic times.While most businesses have a feel for what is happening in their own establishment, American Buyers lets them see the big picture beyond their walls or web site. Its unique weekly and quarterly spending data, which are not available online, show the percentage of households that buy individual products and services and how much buyers pay for them, all broken down by the demographics that count--age, household income, household type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and education.American Buyers includes weekly and quarterly buying data for hundreds of items organized into 10 chapters--apparel, entertainment, financial, food and alcohol, gifts, health care, household operations, shelter and utilities, transportation, and a chapter encompassing personal care, reading, education, and tobacco. The raw spending data in American Buyers are not available on any government website. They were obtained by special request from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and provide a unique look at household shopping behavior in the United States. New Strategist's created hundreds of tables to reveal how much buyers spend during the average quarter or week.INTENDED AUDIENCEAmerican Buyers is an invaluable resource for marketers, advertisers, small businesses, large corporations, entrepreneurs, consultants, business students, and the libraries that serve them. It is a one-of-a-kind resource for those who need to know the American shopper.
ISBN: 9781940308456
Publication Date: 2014
The American MarketplaceQuick and easy access is the goal of the new 12th edition of The American Marketplace: Demographics and Spending Patterns. Designed for convenience, The American Marketplace draws on scores of government sources to give you a population profile of the United States in one handy volume. Its hundreds of tables are organized into 11 chapters covering attitudes, education, health, housing, income, labor force, living arrangements, population, spending, time use, and wealth.
ISBN: 9781937737504
Publication Date: 2017
Who's Buying: Executive Summary of Household SpendingThe new tenth edition of Who's Buying: Executive Summary of Household Spending is based on data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics'2013 Consumer Expenditure Survey. This reference presents a broad overview of household spending in the year 2013 and is designed to give researchers insights into consumer spending trends and patterns and how the patterns differ by demographic characteristics.
ISBN: 9781933588360
Publication Date: 2015
Who's Buying by Race and Hispanic OriginThe tenth edition of Who's Buying by Race and Hispanic Origin is based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2013 Consumer Expenditure Survey, data you can't get online. It presents detailed. product-by-product household spending statistics for Asians, blacks, Hispanics, and non-Hispanic whites organized into ten chapters: apparel, entertainment, financial products and services, food and alcoholic beverages, gifts for people in other households, health care, household operations, shelter, transportation, and a chapter that looks at personal care, reading, education, and tobacco.
ISBN: 9781933588483
Publication Date: 2015
American Incomes by New Strategist Press Editors (Editor)The 11th edition of American Incomes: Demographics of Who Has Money is your map to the changing consumer landscape, exploring and explaining the economic status of Americans in the aftermath of the Great Recession. It looks at household income trends through 2013 by age, household type, race and Hispanic origin, education, region, and work status; examines trends in the incomes of men and women by a variety of demographic characteristics; and provides data on the wealth of American households, showing the impact of the Great Recession on household assets and debt. The poverty population is also a focus of American Incomes.
ISBN: 9781937737245
Publication Date: 2016
eBooks by Customer Age
Older Americans: A Changing MarketA revolution is underway. In 2011, the oldest members of the Baby-Boom generation turned 65 and became eligible for Medicare. Many have been collecting Social Security benefits since they turned 62. The transformation of the 55-or-older population continues with each birthday celebrated by the enormous Baby-Boom generation as it enters the older age groups.The seventh edition of Older Americans: A Changing Market includes the latest statistics on the health, living arrangements, incomes, spending, and wealth of the 55-or-older age group. New to this edition is all-important 2010 census population data, a unique comparison of the attitudes of the four generations of American adults based on the General Social Survey, homeownership rates, time use by age and sex, trends in household spending and wealth since the Great Recession, and labor force statistics with projections to 2020.Older Americans: A Changing Market is designed for easy use. It is divided into 11 chapters, organized alphabetically: attitudes, education, health, housing, income, labor force, living arrangements, population, spending, time use, and wealth.Because the economic downturn has hurt many older Americans, an understanding of their wants and needs is increasingly vital to both businesses and government. Older Americans tells you what you need to know about this market.
ISBN: 9781937737085
Publication Date: 2012
The Baby Boom: Americans Born 1946 to 1964After more than six decades of breaking the rules established by their elders, the Baby-Boom generation and older Americans are one and the same. In 2014, Boomers spanned the ages from 50 to 68, accounting for 24 percent of the total U.S. population and 71 percent of the population aged 50 or older. The eighth edition of The Baby Boom: Americans Born 1946 to 1964 includes in its pages, for the first time, a statistical profile of the U.S. population aged 50 or older--absorbing the New Strategist reference book Older Americans: A Changed Market into one volume. Boomers already dominate the older market, and they're transforming it as they take charge. The Baby Boom: Americans Born 1946 to 1964 is your strategic guide to the generation and how it is changing what it means to be old.The Baby Boom is a definitive reference by Cheryl Russell--demographer, editorial director of New Strategist, and a nationally recognized authority on the Baby-Boom generation. In this reference, Russell analyzes Boomer attitudes, lifestyles, incomes, spending, and wealth--providing a comprehensive portrait of the huge and influential generation whose top concerns are family, finances, health care, and retirement.Not only does this edition include the numbers you need to understand Boomers, but it also profiles people aged 69 or older in 2014, who now account for just 11 percent of the total U.S. population. This edition includes all-important 2013 updates of income, spending, and wealth, as well as a unique comparison of the attitudes of the four generations of adults based on the General Social Survey. Also in this edition are homeownership rates, time use by age and sex, and trends in household spending and wealth since the Great Recession.The Baby Boom: Americans Born 1946 to 1964 is designed for easy use. It is divided into 11 chapters, organized alphabetically: attitudes, education, health, housing, income, labor force, living arrangements, population, spending, time use, and wealth.
ISBN: 9781940308876
Publication Date: 2015
Generation X: Americans Born 1965 to 1976The eighth edition of Generation X: Americans Born 1965 to 1976 tells the story of the small but vital generation spanning the ages of 38 to 49 in 2014. Although their numbers are small, lifestage dictates that Generation X is a vital part of the nation's commerce and culture. People in their thirties and forties are in the crowded-nest years. They are supposed to be advancing in their careers, their incomes should be growing, and their spending should climb because of the expenses of children and teens. But the generation has been hit hard by the Great Recession and is still struggling to recover. Generation X: Americans Born 1965 to 1976 shows how Gen Xers are coping with these demands and what to expect in the future.New to this edition are all-important 2013 updates of income, spending, and wealth, as well as a unique comparison of the attitudes of the four generations of American adults based on the General Social Survey. Also in this edition are homeownership rates, time use by age and sex, trends in household spending and wealth since the Great Recession, and labor force statistics with projections to 2022.Generation X: Americans Born 1965 to 1976 is designed for easy use. It is divided into 11 chapters, organized alphabetically: attitudes, education, health, housing, income, labor force, living arrangements, population, spending, time use, and wealth.One of the most distinctive features of Generation X is its racial and ethnic diversity. Generation X: Americans Born 1965 to 1976 shows how Gen Xers are changing and what to expect from them in the future.
ISBN: 9781940308845
Publication Date: 2015
The MillennialsThe Millennials: Americans Born 1977 to 1994 examines young adults who are establishing themselves in the household and labor market at a difficult time. This large generation is critical for business success. Not only is it responsible for putting the first African American in the White House, but its technological sophistication makes or breaks many products and services. In these difficult economic times, perhaps no generation is more important to business than Millennials. The Millennials will tell you what you need to know.For those who track generational change, the special supplement on the iGeneration included in this book will give you a preview of what is to come. The chapters in the special supplement examine children and their families, documenting trends in family incomes, children's health, even how parents use their time. Also in The Millennials is a sneak peak at what might be called the Recession Generation--the 16 million Americans born in the aftermath of the Great Recession.The Millennials: Americans Born 1977 to 1994 is designed for easy use. Its eleven chapters examine Millennials' attitudes, education, health, housing, income, labor force, living arrangements, population, spending, time use, and wealth. An additional nine chapters in the special supplement examine children and their families' education, health, housing, income, labor force, living arrangements, population, spending, and time use.New to this edition are all-important 2013 updates of income, spending, and wealth. Additionally, 2013 population estimates by race and Hispanic origin are presented, showing the extraordinary diversity of the nation's children and young adults. This edition also contains a unique comparison of the attitudes of the generations of Americans based on the General Social Survey, as well as homeownership rates, time use by age and sex, trends in household spending and wealth since the Great Recession, and labor force statistics with projections to 2022.Each new generation of Americans is unique and surprising in its own way.
Who's Buying by AgeThe new ninth edition of Who's Buying by Age is based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics'Consumer Expenditure Survey-you can't get these data online. For anyone who needs to know spending patterns by age-and age is probably the most important predictor of spending-Who's Buying by Age could be considered the Bible of Spending. Who's Buying by Age is a unique source for weekly and quarterly spending data. It gives you, along with its in-depth annual spending data, a full picture not only of what households buy and how much they spend, but how often they buy certain.
ISBN: 9781933588254
Publication Date: 2015
eBooks by Product Type
Who's Buying Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic BeveragesThe eleventh edition of Who's Buying Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Beverages is based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2013 Consumer Expenditure Survey--you can't get these data online. It examines how much Americans spend on alcoholic and other beverages by the demographics that count--age, income, high-income households, household type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and education. To round out the spending picture, it also presents who-are-the-best-customers analyses of the data, showing the best and biggest customers at a glance. It looks at who buys beer, wine, whiskey, and other alcoholic beverages at home, on trips, and at restaurants and bars. It also examines who buys colas and noncolas, coffee and tea, sports drinks, milk, bottled water, etc. Also in this edition is a unique analysis of spending before (2000 to 2006) and after (2006 to 2013) the Great Recession. INTENDED AUDIENCE: Marketers, advertisers, small businesses, large corporations, entrepreneurs, consultants, business students, and the libraries that serve them. It is a one-of-a-kind resource for those who need to understand the dynamics of the beverage market.
ISBN: 9781933588339
Publication Date: 2015
Who's Buying ApparelThe tenth edition of Who's Buying Apparel is based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2013 Consumer Expenditure Survey--you can't get these data online. It examines how much Americans spend on apparel by the demographics that count--age, income, high-income households, household type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and education. To round out the spending picture, it also presents who-are-the-best-customers analyses of the data, showing the best and biggest customers at a glance. It looks at who buys apparel and shoes for infants, boys and girls, men and women, plus jewelry, sewing material, laundering, dry cleaning, and more. INTENDED AUDIENCE Marketers, advertisers, small businesses, large corporations, entrepreneurs, consultants, business students, and the libraries that serve them. It is a one-of-a-kind resource for those who need to understand the dynamics of the apparel market.
ISBN: 9781933588322
Publication Date: 2015
Who's Buying EntertainmentThe eleventh edition of Who's Buying Entertainment is based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics'2013 Consumer Expenditure Survey-you can't get these data online. It examines how much Americans spend on amusing themselves by the demographics that count: age, income, high-income households, household type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and education. To round out the spending picture, it also presents who-are-the-best-customers analyses of the data, showing the demographics of the best and biggest customers at a glance. The individual products and services examined in this report include items ranging from television sets to movie tickets, video games, cable service, pet food, toys, sports equipment, and recreational vehicles.
ISBN: 9781937737634
Publication Date: 2018
Who's Buying GroceriesHow much Americans spend on food for home consumption. The 80-plus items range from bacon to instant coffee, frozen vegetables to steak.
ISBN: 9781937737658
Publication Date: 2018
Who's Buying Household Furnishings, Services, and SuppliesThe twelth edition of Who's Buying Household Furnishings, Services, and Supplies is based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2013 Consumer Expenditure Survey--you can't get these data online. It examines how much Americans spend on their homes by the demographics that count: age, income, high-income households, household type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and education. To round out the spending picture, it also presents who-are-the-best-customers analyses of the data, showing the demographics of the best and biggest customers at a glance. The items examined in this report fall within the categories of furniture, floor coverings, household textiles, appliances, and miscellaneous household equipment such as lamps and power tools. Also included are household services (day care, housekeeping, lawn care, etc.) and household supplies (laundry detergent, toilet paper, stationery and giftwrap, etc.). New to this edition is a unique analysis of spending before (2000 to 2006) and after (2006 to 2013) the Great Recession.
ISBN: 9781933588421
Publication Date: 2015
Who's Buying for PetsWho's buying pet food, supplies and medicine, veterinary services, etc.
ISBN: 9781937737559
Publication Date: 2018
Who's Buying at Restaurants and Carry-Outsexamines how much Americans spend on eating out by the demographics that count: age, income, high-income households, household type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and education.