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PLEASE NOTE that all pre-2025 posts come from various/unmaintained platforms, and were resurrected using the Internet Archives Wayback Machine.
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The JKM Library Blog

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The JKM Library's blog has migrated to a new platform! For over a decade, we published to a Chatham University owned Wordpress instance. This served us well until Chatham made the decision to sunset those instances and migrate to Squarespace. We took this opportunity to reevaluate our own blogging platform and decided to move to a tool we already subscribe to and use daily: Springshare.

Springshare is focused on libraries and offers unique functionality to fulfill the specific needs of libraries of all kinds. This includes building subject guides with library resources seamlessly integrated, building and managing library websites, calendars, room reservation management, FAQ pages, reference tools, project management workflows, and more. Springshare also provides a blogging tool.

Because we use Springshare products to manage the majority of our digital (and much of our physical) operations, moving to Springshare for the blog was an easy choice.

All posts dated prior to this one have been recovered, reformatted, and reposted here by our Head of Technical Services Dan Nolting. These posts originated on our Wordpress instance, and you may find formatting issues with them due to the nature of the migration. 

Moving forward, all blog content for the JKM Library will be posted to this feed and will feature: library updates and announcements, information about library services and resources, book and film reviews, information about events, updates about the library building, and more. Blog content is written by all library staff, including full time and part time librarians and student employees.

If you have questions about this blog, reach out to the librarians by emailing 

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February 21, 2014

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October 17, 2013

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